We are.....an all-age, local church made up of a diverse range of people, some who have lived in Seer Green and Jordans for a long time, and others who have moved into the area, often those with families keen to settle into life in a supportive village community. We have a congregation of approximately 50 members, many of whom have attended Holy Trinity for years and form our core community. In addition, we have lots of young families and young people who have joined us and are keen to form ties with the community through both our church services and the regular events which we organise.
We are a community-based church which has:
- a congregation which holds a variety of views from the full spectrum of the Anglican church
- a congregation seeking to give a warm welcome to newcomers to the church and the local area as many of them have been “newcomers” themselves
- an active children, youth,, school and families ministry
- a strong and committed pastoral care team who actively tries to look after the needs of the whole community
- a Church of England combined primary school
We seek to live the love of Christ and we hope to reach out to those who are not yet members of the church and invite them to come to have a look for themselves. We aim to meet the spiritual needs of all our members where they are now, as well as help our members to grow in faith. Overall we seek to provide a safe, welcoming place for all to come to, and be recognised by all as a central resource for the villages of Seer Green and Jordans.
Janine Dunnell (Churchwarden)