
This section focuses on how you can provide financial support to (a) Charities and (b) Holy Trinity Church.

One simple approach to supporting both the church and charities is via the weekly collection at Sunday morning services. Holy Trinity designates the second of Sunday of each month as the week when all loose change in the collection goes towards that month's selected charity. Loose change on all other Sundays goes to Holy Trinity.  In addition to loose change, churchgoers can opt to put their contributions into small coloured envelopes: the blue envelopes for charity contributions and the orange envelopes for church contributions. In addition, if you can Gift Aid your contribution you can complete your details on the envelope.

Further details about alternative ways of giving to the church can be found by clicking here on Giving to Holy Trinity

Information about the charities that the church is currently supporting and those that it will be supporting through the rest of the year can be found by clicking on Giving to Charity



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